Events Calendar

RHS London Greener Gardening Show6th April 2010-7th April 2010 | The Lawrence HallRHS London Greener Gardening Show

There'll be a wealth of information on birds, bees, butterflies, ponds, and of course displays from specialist growers and they'll be highlighting plants for attracting wildlife.

This is also the perfect opportunity to pick up spring bulbs and planting from specialist nurseries selling miniature daffodil, species tulips and other spring bulbs. 

Ticket booking: or visit the website.
Tickets may also be purchased on the door.

FREE for RHS members
Tuesday 6th April: £5 for non-members
Wednesday 7th April: £3 for non-members

Tuesday 6th April: 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 7th April: 10am - 5pm

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